So........I have realized I begin every thought with "So". Silly me. Anyways, I got to go out with this lovely girl, McKenzie, and do her senior photos. She is a beautiful, kind, sparkly-eyed, blonde, and I had tons of fun and creative inspiration while out with her and her mom. I had an idea of where I wanted to go with her so we headed down along Utah Lake, stopping as we went as I often do when something catches my attention. As the sun set we were still having fun in this little field I had envisioned the day before. Here is a peek of McKenzie's shoot.
Fall Photos are in full swing here in Utah county! The canyon seemed to turn ablaze with color, almost over night. I had the chance to go to Park City on Sunday and visit my dear friend and original photo mentor, Mr. Neil Rossmiller. As my husband and I drove the 100 mile round trip through mostly canyon, I was in awe. Honestly he should have drove because I was quite distracted by the beauty all around. Anyways, the day before that, on Saturday, I had the opportunity to go up near Squaw peak with a few families and have fun little shoots with them. Here are a few from that day.
A beaming mother-to-be! Jacqui and I had a great time with this shoot. This is part one of a two part shoot. We will be doing her other shoot in the next two weeks. At eight months she is still working hard and looking like she is only six months. I love it!