Saturday, February 26, 2011

So today I get to announce who won the raffle everyone entered at the Provo Bridal Fair. If you came by my booth, Jeanne and I gave you an opportunity to enter a raffle for a free Bridal Session. So we stirred up the jar really good and pulled a name. The lucky bride who was drawn is Vanessa Richins! Congratulations to Vanessa! She will get a free Bridal Session and the whole Session on CD as well. Thanks again to all of those who attended. Hope to see you at the next one.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thanks for your support

Well, the Provo Bridal Fair was a ton of fun!! Thanks to everyone who came out to see us on such a rainy day. There was free food from Cafe Rio, Magelby's, Goodwood and more. I love food! ha ha. Jeanne and I talked to over 200 of the more than 500 smiling bride's to be that came through the doors. The majority of the brides were planning June weddings, and as I already told so many of them....BOOK EARLY! LOL. June is a fabulous wedding time, but it is also the most popular. So Thanks again for stopping by to meet with Jeanne and I and we hope to hear from you soon. Again the winner of our booth raffle will be announced this coming Saturday, so check back.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Provo Bridal Fair

Wow! I haven't blogged since before the holidays, it appears. The Holidays came, and they went. Two days later I caught a plane to Spain, and played for 3 weeks. It was such an overdue vacation. Relaxing, beautiful, and too short. ha ha. So, I just wanted to tell you all I will be at the Provo Bridal Fair at Provo High School this coming Saturday Feb. 19th. Admission is free! So if you know someone who is getting married....tell them to come see me! It will be tons of fun with lots of prizes. I will be giving away two bridal shoot and more. Hope to see you there!